Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Canadas Defining Moments essays

Canada's Defining Moments essays In this essay, three of Canadas most defining moments will be defined. A compulsary military service, the election of a Prime Minister, and the turning point for Canada in World War I. These three events are considered to be the most defining moments in the past one hundred years of Canadas history. Outlined is the Conscription Crisis. Pierre Elliot Trudeau, and The Battle of Vimy Ridge. Although there are many events that have helped shape Canadian history, these three have stood out to be the most significant. In 1917, Canadian soldiers were being killed during World War I. The British Army at the time, was relying heavily on Canadian and Austrailian soldiers and the casualties were outnumbering the new enlistments. Prime Minister Borden realized they needed help desperately so he introduced the concept of conscription in 1917. Although it was strongly opposed by many, Borden would not back down. The Military Service Act was passed in August and all men between nineteen and fourty-five wouldhave to enlist. Conscription did not take effect immidiately so Borden did everything in his power to find out if the country supported conscription. Therefore he formed a Union Government and called for a federal election. In 1917, Borden' government passed the Wartime Elections Act which extended the federal vote to women for the first time. The vote only went to nurses at the front and to the wives, sisters and mothers of soldiers. They were of course, all in support of conscription. Con scription in WWI was a defining moment because, although it was strongly supported in Ontario, BC, and the Maritimes, Quebec was adamantly opposed and it divided the country sharply along cultural lines. The effects of conscription the riots the legislation caused in Montreal, and the deep cultural rift it left in its wake helped to define future English French relations in Canada. ...

Friday, November 22, 2019

Book Design EVERYTHING You Need to Know

Book Design EVERYTHING You Need to Know Book Design: EVERYTHING You Need to Know Think book design is just about creating the perfect book cover? Think again. Just as a well-written novel relies on so many various story elements coming together just so, book design takes the various elements of a book - the words, pages, cover, spine, ink, everything - and turns it into a beautiful, cohesive unit that calls to readers and invites them in. A book needs to stand out for all the right reasons, which is why it’s important that whoever is designing the book understands what the market expects.This is not intended to intimidate you! No matter what your level of publishing experience is, this guide to book design is for you! We will cover all the different areas of this subject, starting with†¦ What are your biggest #bookdesign questions? Find answers here! Designing your book’s interiorDo you have any lingering questions about book design? Which aspects seem most challenging? Leave any questions or thoughts in the comments below, and we will continue updating this post with as answers!

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization Research Paper

Advantages and Disadvantages of Globalization - Research Paper Example David, et al, (1999) identified the simplest sense of globalization encompasses speeding, widening and deepening up of global interconnectedness of national aspects. McMicheal (2000), suggest that the term globalization refers to the integration of a project pursuing market rule on a global scale. Anthony Giddens in his philosophy ‘The Consequences of Modernity’ defined globalization as the intensification of international social relations which shorten distant localities in such a way that events occurring locally are shaped by events occurring miles away. Other scholars such as Roland Robertson, a professor of sociology, defined globalization as â€Å"the compression of the world and the intensification of the consciousness of the world as a whole† (Bartmess & Cerny, 2007). In this perspective, there is no universally accepted definition of globalization, but the acceptability depends on the context at which the term is used. However, globalization can be well be understood by determining factors and aspects that make up the term. In 2000, International Monetary Fund (IMF) developed four basic aspects of globalization; transaction and trade, investment and capital movement, movement of people and migration and dissemination of knowledge (International Monetary Fund, 2000). In terms of transaction and trade, low-income countries increased their share of world trade from 18.6% in 1971 to 28% in 1999. Private capital flows to low-income and middle-income countries replaced by ‘development assistance’ and ‘aid. Foreign direct investment became the investment of concern by larger companies in developing countries, which led the introduction of multinational companies (Asmussen, 2011). David, et al, (2005) identified that globalization developed international trade and companies. Due to increased interaction among nationalities, countries traded with one another with goods and services they have a comparative advantage (David, et

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Entrepreneurship Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Entrepreneurship - Essay Example Entrepreneurial Journey of Oleg Tinkov According to Paul Burns (2001), personal characteristics and traits, societal culture, antecedent influence and situational factors are the strongest influencers on entrepreneur (Burns, 2001). Thus, it is important to note that Oleg Tinkov’s journey towards becoming an entrepreneur started at his childhood itself due to his father’s influence. As he grew old, cycling became one of his favorite leisure activities. Entrepreneurial analysis with respect to personal traits and characteristics suggests that entrepreneurs possess similar characteristics to those of sportsmen. Therefore, it is implied that his passion for cycling also has led him forward in his journey towards entrepreneurship. As challenging moves for Oleg Tinkov during his start ups, situational factors played an important role too. The micro-environment factors were prevalent within the country such as that of changes in perception, mood and meaning of the societal com munities. Oleg Tinkov challenged the macro economic factors such as economic changes within the country and market structure. His challenge was initiated by his motive of grasping the first mover advantage in the market generated after the disintegration in the Soviet Union. He held extremely strong instinct of defeating any challenge and every time evolved as a winner and this trait has been activated upon him through his immense interest in cycling (Tinkov, 2006). Entrepreneurial Opportunity for Oleg Tinkov Oleg Tinkov is a constant seeker of business opportunities and it is his search for the best which has never allowed him to remain stiff to a single... This editing researches an entrepreneurial background of Oleg Tinkov, his entrepreneurial opportunities and its transformation into business, business strategies and decisions of Oleg Tinkov, challenges and remedial actions to those challenges by Oleg Tinkov, his entrepreneurial network and role of luck and fortune. From the overall analysis of entrepreneurial traits of Oleg Tinkov, it can be stated that there cannot be the most appropriate ingredient for the best entrepreneur blended with certain portion of characteristics and certain portion of luck or fortune. Conversely, it is a combination of various factors which can only be enhanced by the entrepreneur himself. The entrepreneurs, who realize the importance of the most appropriate factors, ultimately become successful. However, at the same time, the entrepreneurs can conduct an in-depth analysis of the situational factors for interpreting the entrepreneurial traits and strive towards adopting those traits. It has also been foun d out from the entrepreneurial analysis that people who are more indulged in challenging activities such as that of sports and hold strong notion of winning each of the game are more likely to become a successful entrepreneur. Above all these facts behind becoming a successful entrepreneur lay the capability of identifying opportunities in the market and grasping each of the opportunities. Change identification and adaptation to changed environment are undeniably the most important characteristics of an entrepreneur.

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Moby Dick, Sophies World, East of Eden Essay Example for Free

Moby Dick, Sophies World, East of Eden Essay In today’s society, the issues of fate and free will are hotly debated, drawing in heated discussions of religion, chance, and the extent of free will. While some believe we have a significant amount of control over our lives exercised through free will in our choices, others believe an entirely different power is at hand in controlling our lives. These issues often find themselves associated in literature, with examples such as John Steinbeck’s East of Eden, Herman Melville’s Moby Dick, and Jostein Gaarder’s Sophie’s World. Among these books, there are different interpretations on the role of fate and free will in human life. In particular, these three different works of literature express varying shows of balance between fate and free will, and how easily that balance can be changed. Ultimately, it is the decisions made by the different characters, the reasons behind their choices, and the respective consequences that ensue that lead understanding of the different demonstrations of the authors’ interpretations of free will and fate. Free will and fate are often regarded in terms of a balance, in that there is some of life that is controllable by using choice, represented as our free will, while there is still another portion where there is little to no control, something we call fate. This observation of a balance between free will and fate is especially seen in Herman Melville’s Moby Dick. In Moby Dick, Ishmael, our protagonist, finds himself in the company of Queequeg, the chief harpooner aboard the Pequod. While together, Ishmael and Queequeg weave a mat, with Ishmael passing the shuttle through the threads on the loom while Queequeg strikes the woof with his sword, to tamp down the threads. During their weaving, Ishmael makes an observation in that their current activity was like how fate, free will, and chance worked, thinking, â€Å"it seemed as if this were the Loom of Time, and I myself were a shuttle mechanically weaving and weaving away at the fates†. Ishmael compares fate to the â€Å"fixed threads of warped of the warp subject to but one unchanging vibration† on the loom. He then connects free will to his actions, â€Å"with my own hand, I ply my own shuttle and weave my own destiny into these unalterable threads†. He puts t he final pieces together by saying that chance is like when Queequeg strikes the woof, being he was â€Å"sometimes hitting the woof slantingly, or crookedly, or strongly, or weakly† that led to â€Å"producing a corresponding contrast in the final aspect of the completed fabric†. His connection with the mat making and fate demonstrated his perspective of the balance between fate and free will, and perhaps brings to light one of the more major themes of Moby Dick. He believes that free will is bound by fixed limitations we perceive as fate, and that our choices are limited to what we can weave around our limitations, with the exception of random occurrences called chance, which can alter the limitations fate puts on our expressed free will. In Moby Dick, different motive often leads to different choices, which overall comes together to establish various consequences. Queequeg, one of the crewmembers under Captain Ahab, had fallen ill while aboard the Pequod. In absence of proper medicine and medical attention, the most obvious conclusion was that Queequeg was going to die aboard the ship. He had even prepared for death by having a coffin made for him. At the end of it all, when it had seemed that fate had established his end, Queequeg simply claimed that he re membered he had some duties left to do ashore, and that he still had responsibilities. With his own will, he tried defy fate by recovering from his illness, attempting to give himself time to do his business ashore. The fact that the motive behind his prolonging of death was due to his responsibilities, one could easily interpret his decisions as noble and respectable. However, Queequeg was but one of the two members of the Pequod who attempted to defy fate, the other of which being none other than the captain himself, Captain Ahab. After losing his leg in an encounter with Moby Dick, Captain Ahab had grown rather obsessed with capturing Moby Dick, much to the point of giving up his sanity. However with all the stories of the great sperm whale, and even now knowing how destructive the whale could be, it was safe to say his search for the whale was ill-fated. However, even with fate clearly saying that his trip would lead to his own demise and possibly more, he was determined to capture Moby Dick purely out of spite and vengeance, two reasons that are often seen in negative light. What it all came down to was Queequeg’s noble intentions in trying to defy fate allowed him to recover from his illness and gave him more time, while Captain Ahab’s bitter motives ultimately led to not only the demise of the Pequod and its crew (excluding Ishmael), but also that of his own. Perhaps this brings to light another major theme of Moby Dick, in that it is ultimately our decisions in life and the reasons behind them that shape up how fate operates in our individual lives. This, along with the idea of the existence of human free will limited by fate yet alterable by chance, establishes the general idea of fate and free will have a crucial roles in making it possible to understand and comprehend Moby Dick and all of its themes. Just as fate and free will have important roles in determining how life is experienced by an individual, they also have key roles and determining of how an individual behaves. In a sense, it’s almost as if the decision of how a human is natured is a determinant in establishing the line between good vs. evil in a person. This good vs. evil concept could especially be seen in John Steinbeck’s East of Eden. Caleb Trask, the protagonist, struggles throughout the book while in a fight where he tries to suppress and overcome his inner demons. Caleb, son of Adam and Cathy, had lived his life in the shadow of his brother Aron, who was obviously in better light with his father. While Aron symbolically was the embodiment of all that was good, Caleb was the opposite, having had embodied evil, like his mothe r. However, Caleb demonstrates the usage of free will in the struggle of overcoming evil. This is clearly shown during the confrontation of him and his mother, and his realization that Cathy is a prostitute. When Caleb meets with Cathy, Cathy tries to convince Caleb that in addition to her being evil herself, he also has the same evil within himself, and that he is more like her than he knows. However, he realizes otherwise, that he has choice in whether or not he would be evil. At the end of their conversation, Caleb reminisces on what Lee said, saying that, â€Å"I was afraid I had you in me†¦ [But] I’m my own. I don’t have to be you†. At this part of the story, Caleb demonstrates understanding of one of the major themes of the story, simply known as Timshel. Caleb realizes that it is his choice, his own free will to overcome evil. He establishes that while there is evil in all of us, we are all capable of overcoming that evil, and choosing whatever path we wish to walk, all by using free will. While Caleb had ultimately come to the conclusion that morality is a free choice, other characters of East of Eden had other interpretations of morality. Aron, Caleb’s brother, for example had a problem with the overcoming of evil. His world had been neatly put together for him so that he only had to face good in life, to the point where his mother’s evil proved too much for him. Cathy, had been convinced that world was nothing but evil, and therefore accepted it and settled for using deception in order to advance in life. In the end, however, the evil she had spent her life embodying herself in proved to be just as overwhelming to her as it was to her son Aron, and she ultimately commits suicide. Caleb, standing at the crossroads of good and evil, successfully applies Lee’s advice and realizes morality is free choice, and that free will and determination are enough to overcome evil and lead a life of righteousness. By accepting that humans are imperfect and sinful, Caleb was able to realize that humans don’t need to be perfect to be good, and that true goodness comes after overcoming evil. Because he had applied Timshel in his life he became capable of living a controllable life, one with a moral destiny that truly belonged to him. John Steinbeck’s in-depth coverage of the story of Caleb and his choices truly make Timshel, or â€Å"thou mayest†, a very powerful and key theme in East of Eden. The role of free will in this story establishes the fact that e vil can be overcome by human, regardless of fate, and all up to moral decision. Just as previously stated and seen in books like Moby Dick and East of Eden, free will and fate are often seen as in a balance, sometimes with the weight over on fate’s side or vice versa. However, there are instances where free will can completely overcome fate in cases where it doesn’t seem to the slightest bit possible. Such an example of impossible overcoming of fate with free will can be seen in Jostein Gaarder’s Sophie’s World. In Sophie’s World, the story of Sophie, a 14 year old girl who undergoes philosophy lessons, is followed. Sophie, who consistently receives notes not addressed to her but with ponderous questions such as â€Å"Who are you†, believes that her life is practical, and that she is living her own life. However though a complicated turn of events, it is shown that Sophie, along with her philosophy teacher Alberto, are both part of another man’s imagination, characters of his mind. Albert Knag, the man behind it a ll, can be seen as fate, in that he controls what happens to Sophie and Alberto showing that they do not truly have a choice, and that their sense of free will was but an illusion. Though the odds against them are tremendous, being they are characters in Knag’s book and in his mind, Sophie shows a giant show of free will and escape, using the help of Alberto. Using nothing but free will, Sophie does the impossible and escapes the book and becomes a spirit, able to roam the world but fated to have limited interaction with the world. However, it is shown that Sophie plans on attempting on have more and more influence in the real world and that she is not content with being an invisible person forever. Gaarder demonstrates a theme of how limitless free will truly is, and how fate can be overcome regardless of how the odds are stacked. With all three of these literary pieces, there is a similarity in that all three books cover the topic of fate and free will. However, these three books show different interpretations of the extent of the two factors, and what is and isn’t possible when interacting with the two. Such as in the case of Moby Dick, free will and fate are shown to be in a balance, with the two working around each other nicely. It is also seen that fate cannot be overcome, in that the demise of the entire crew was inevitable. In East of Eden, fate and free will were shown to have impact on how a person is perceived as good or evil, and how free will can potential allow one to completely overcome evil. In the case of fate, free will is shown to be able to overcome it, however only with tremendous effort and understanding. Similarly, in Sophie’s World, fate was able to be overcome, but again, only with a tremendous amount of effort and understanding. These three books together and their respec tive morals and themes can be directly applied to daily life. Free will and fate do have roles in human life, in that misfortunes can often be presented and perceived as fate, and naturally actions in the form of free will can additionally play in overcoming those misfortunes. By utilizing and exercising free will in daily life, the perception of fate as being something completely uncontrollable can easily be brought down to a more containable entity. Moreover, with the understanding of free will and fate that these three books offer, the opportunity for a life with a controllable moral future becomes available. In these three novels, the overall theme of a relation between free will and fate is existent. Respectively, the three authors of these books show their own interpretations of how fate and free will coincide, and how much control humans have on their own fate, or just how much free will they can exercise. However it is seen in all three books that with enough exercise of free will in the right light, positive events may occur, such as East of Eden’s Caleb overcoming evil, Moby Dick’s Queequeg recovery from his almost certain fatal illness, and Sophie’s World’s Sophie, who escaped her confinements of being a controlled character in another man’s mind. Though the authors may have had their own unique interpretation of fate and free will, with their respective limits, the overall message that all three authors would most likely agree on would be humans are given a tremendous amount of free will and are presented with different kinds of fate, and that what they choose to do with that free will ultimately decides how much fate will control their life.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Tea Time Commercials: A Western Advertisement Essay -- setting, traditi

Tea Time Marketing Assignment Commercials Western †¢ A man drinks Lipton ice tea and begins to perform a dance number along with the staff and the guests. After traveling around the hotel he then sits down again and order another Lipton ice tea. Traditional †¢ The mother and daughter in law. Have a conversation which shows how close they are. This leads to them drinking Red Label tea; which is followed by the daughter lovingly fixing the mothers hair. Why is it western? There are multiple reason in why this commercial can be considered a western advertisement. These include the setting, actions, actors. †¢ The setting within this movie is a large hotel. Which is usually associated with modern culture. It is a place that is known to be connected with western business men. †¢ The setting also has many luxuries which would not be seen in a more traditional commercial. Which includes business attire instead of traditional clothing. The design of the building is also very modern. It does not show the culture of the country or anything that may have been considered traditional. Moving on the objects within the movie are westernized. This can be seen through the attire of the staff. They are not wearing traditional clothing, which should be worn by Japanese inn keepers. Finally the setting is also westernized due to the bedding the maids display. The bedding which they display is not the one which would be used on a traditional Japanese futon. †¢ It can also include the food. The food being prepared within the kitchen is more western and modern, rather than traditional. ( Foods such as takoyaki and yokisoba were not shown). The product itself was pre-packaged, while a traditional tea would have been prepared fresh. The way in wh... ...n traditional inns. †¢ The clothing choices are also very different therefore they will be unable to differentiate between the clothing they use to represent employees and the business attire. †¢ They will be unable to relate to the advertisement †¢ They will not know the actor therefore will not be easily influenced by him †¢ Language could also be an influence Traditional Advertisement/Western Audience †¢ The viewers will not be able to relate to the advertisement because many western people do not live with their in laws. They will also not understand the significance of tea within the Indian household. †¢ They will not understand the clothing choices and may find them unappealing †¢ They will not know the celebrities endorsing the product, which may lead to confusion †¢ Language barriers may exist †¢ They will not be able to understand this family environment

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Explain the Concept of Ideals in Plato’s Writings Essay

â€Å"The unexamined life is not worth living† according to Plato. He argued that we should always pursue knowledge and ask questions to do this. A key part of Plato’s philosophy is epistemology – his theory of how we know things. His concept of Ideals, also known as Forms, is Plato’s explanation of how true knowledge can be sought. Plato understood that there are concepts that we can all recognise in various things, for example the concept of beauty. We all recognise beauty in art, nature, people, or music, and we all understand the idea when we hear the word used. Although we can all recognise beauty, our opinions of what classes as beautiful are widely varied and subjective. The conclusions Plato drew from this is that beauty must exist, otherwise we would not know it at all. This is the Perfect Form of Beauty. However, we must have only partial knowledge of it or we would not have subjective opinions. Forms are absolute versions of concepts and ideas. They are perfect ideas of everything and therefore they do not change – perfect things cannot change for the better and would not change for the worse. They are also eternal as to begin or to stop existing is a change. They cannot live in this world as it is constantly changing and forms are unchangeable, so they can only exist in the Realm of the Forms. The form of Beauty is absolute and true; it is not an opinion but an idea or concept, therefore no-one can know the real meaning of Beauty as it cannot exist in this world and it is eternal. We will never know forms fully as we are imperfect. Forms give us knowledge and allow us to have some understanding of the truth. Although, we know that we do not know them fully as we can form our own opinions on things, e.g. what is beautiful and what is not. Forms are in the Realm of the Forms, we can recognise them as this is where our soul originates from, however because they come from there and not from where we are, we do not know them fully. Also as they are perfect we cannot understand them fully. In the Realm of the Forms there are Ideals of everything we have a concept of such as Beauty, Justice, Truth, and the Form of the Good. The Form of the Good is the highest of the forms and is the foundation and essence of everything. The Form of The Good represents Plato’s idea of goodness and is what you should most want. For Plato this was eudaimonia, living a good and fulfilled life. All other forms such as beauty, justice or truth are part of eudaimonia and so part of Good. The Form of the Good is therefore the most important Form as it gives us full and true knowledge of what we should pursue. It is our ultimate goal and the source of all truth and goodness. In this way, it has influenced the development of the Christian idea of God. Plato uses the Cave Allegory to present his ideas about Forms. He does this by using symbolism, by representing the Forms as objects outside of the cave. He then represents the Form of the Good as the sun; the sun shines light onto the objects outside, allowing us to see them. The light represents knowledge and the objects represent Forms – the Sun shows us the Forms and gives us knowledge. The prisoner’s journey illustrates Plato’s concept of Ideals or Forms – they provide truth but must be pursued individually and by looking away from things that keep us ignorant.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Cultural Differences in Turkey

Social studies Cultural differences between the youth in Turkey and the Netherlands. penn Cibii 012013001 Inhoudsopgave Introduction This project is made for the cultural studies class and will contain the differences between the younger people in Turkey and in the Netherlands. It's common that people go abroad and face with a lot of cultural problems. This is because there are a lot of cultures and they all differ from each other. Sometimes its very difficult for people to understand cultural things that are not normal fort hem but instead normal for the people of that culture.To understand why thats so difficult we have to look at the differences of 2 cultures. I chose Turkey and the Netherlands because i am from the Netherlands but i have a Turkish identity and i see a lot of differences between the Turkish and the Dutch people. For example i am here with a classmate who is dutch and from Holland. She is dealing with cultural differences and sometimes she really doesnt understand that some things are normal here because in Holland that things wouldn't accepted. The differences will be measured with the study of Hofstede. Gerard Hendrick hofstede is a dutch social psychologist.His most notable work has been in developing cultural dimensions theory. The tlve dimensions are : Individualism, masculinity power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and long term orientation. He write the books ‘Culture's conseuenses' and ‘cultures and organizations'. The five dimensions will be discussed in this project to define the differences between the youth in Turkey and the Netherlands. After the five dimensions the mwthodology of study will be explained that includes the participants, methodology and materials. After that the findings will be explained with charts and despriction of data.After the findings comes the discussion with the analysis of data and what it means. At the end there wille be a conclusion which will include implications, limitations and further research and a statement. You can find the reference list and the appendices at the end of the project. Background In this paragraph I am going to explain the study of Hofstede and what all the dimensions mean. There are five dimensions which are seen as criteria to see the differences per culture. These are : Power distance, Individualism versus collectivism, Masculinitu versus femininity, uncertainty avoidance and the Long term rientation degree.Power Distance This dimension expresses the degree to which the less powerful members of a society accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. The fundamental issue here is how a society handles inequalities among people. People in societies exhibiting a large degree of power distance accept a hierarchical order in which everybody has a place and which needs no further Justification. In societies with low power distance, people strive to equalise the distribution ot power and demand justification for inequalities of power. Indiv idualism versus collectivismThe high side of this dimension, called Individualism, can be defined as a preference for a loosely-knit social framework in which individuals are expected to take care of themselves and their immediate families only. Its opposite, Collectivism, represents a preference for a tightly-knit framework in society in which individuals can expect their relatives or members of a particular in-group to look after them in exchange for unquestioning loyalty. A society's position on this dimension is reflected in whether people's self-image is defined in terms of â€Å"l† or â€Å"we. Masculinity versus femininity The masculinity side of this dimension represents a preference in society for achievement, heroism, assertiveness and material reward for success. Society at large is more competitive. Its opposite, femininity, stands for a preference for cooperation, modesty, caring for the weak and quality of life. Society at large is more consensus-oriented. Unce rtainty avoidance The uncertainty avoidance dimension expresses the degree to which the members of a society feel uncomfortable with uncertainty and ambiguity.The fundamental issue here is how a society deals with the fact that the future can never be known: should e try to control the future or Just let it happen? Countries exhibiting strong UAI maintain rigid codes of belief and behaviour and are intolerant of unorthodox behaviour and ideas. Weak I-JAI societies maintain a more relaxed attitude in which practice counts more than principles. The long term orientation The long-term orientation dimension can be interpreted as dealing with societys search for virtue.Societies with a short-term orientation generally have a strong concern with establishing the absolute Truth. They are normative in their thinking. They exhibit great respect for traditions, a relatively small propensity to save for the uture, and a focus on achieving quick results. In societies with a long-term orientatio n, people believe that truth depends very much on situation, context and time. They show an ability to adapt traditions to changed conditions, a strong propensity to save and invest, thriftiness, and perseverance in achieving results.Methodology of study participants, place (preserve anonymity) The participants for this study are the younger people between the ages 18 and 25 in the Netherlands and Turkey. I choose this as the target group because the younger people travel a lot and have to face the most and sometimes at first with cultural ifferences. They go abroad to go on vacation, to study or to live in another country. Place Because its limited to 2 countries the places of course are in the Netherlands and Turkey.The place where the interview is held is on my school in Holland ; Fontys economische hogeschool Tilburg and my school in Turkey; Fatih university in Istanbul. I choose the school because I could find here the best participants who are speaking English and belong to th e right target group. methodology (qualitative/quantitative; case study, ethnographic etc) In this study there is made qualitative and quantitative research. Quantitative research is made hrough deskresearch and qualitative research are the questions that you can't answer with deskresearch so you need the fieldresearch for.For the fieldresearch I made questionnaires. I decided to hold the questionnairies with 10 persons in each country. So 10 questionnaires in The Netherlands as 10 questionnairies in Turkey. The people who were asked for the questionnaires are all in the age group 18 till 25 and all speak English. I made the questions with multiple choice answers so it will be easy to process the data and make a conclusion. materials; data collection instruments (observation, questionnaires) The data ollection instruments are : internet, literature and questionnaires.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Self-imposed medical stresses Essays

Self-imposed medical stresses Essays Self-imposed medical stresses Paper Self-imposed medical stresses Paper Essay Topic: Medical In this paper, the focus will mainly be on the medical stresses experienced in flight that are self-imposed. The effects of drugs and alcohol on the ability to make decisions will also be discussed. Most pilots experience medical stresses during flight but the most surprising thing is that they could have avoided this complications. The reasons that one exposes him or herself to such situations differ depending on the individual but the end result is the same: putting lives in danger. The common mistake done by the pilots is taking on a very heavy workload and then using stimulants to help them cope. The body takes care of itself naturally but when placed in an environment where it cannot do this it becomes unable to function properly. To deal with this, pilots tend to use stimulants which are a short time remedy. This tends to very dangerous for them and their clients or co-workers yet it can be avoided. The other problem is that they self-diagnose, treat and prescribe for themselves medication that may not be appropriate for their working conditions. In the book â€Å"Basic Flight Physiology† (Reinhart R. O. 1996), the author discusses different scenarios that a pilot can find him or herself in that can affect the physiological balance causing malfunctions of the body and brain. In chapter 9 of the book, he starts with an example of Joe whose lack of sleep coupled with the use of coffee and cigarettes almost causes him to have an accident. He is impaired due to the overuse of the body beyond its normal capacity and hence the body rebels. He acknowledges that some conditions are caused by environmental factors but that some are man-made. It is important to note that the flight environment is different from the ground environment and hence medication that can be used safely while on the ground may have a different effect when used in a flight environment causing self-imposed medical stresses. These can be summed up in the acronym DEATH (Drugs Exhaustion Alcohol Tobacco and Hypoglycemia). Although there are other causes of stress like problematic relationships, these are the major ones. The effects of the use and presence of any of these factors depends on an individual and this leads to controversy over how much they affect the physiological wellbeing of a pilot.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

U.S. Declaration of Independence in Spanish

U.S. Declaration of Independence in Spanish The following is a Spanish translation of the U.S. Declaration of Independence; it is believed to be in the public domain. Links are provided for the Spanish student to review some of the words and grammatical concepts used in this document. Comparisons can also be made with the original text of the Declaration. Cuando en el curso de los acontecimientos humanos se hace necesario para un pueblo disolver los và ­nculos polà ­ticos que lo han ligado a otro y tomar entre las naciones de la tierra el puesto separado e igual a que las leyes de la naturaleza y el Dios de esa naturaleza le dan derecho, un justo respeto al juicio de la humanidad exige que declare las causas que lo impulsan a la separacià ³n. Sostenemos que estas verdades son evidentes en sà ­ mismas: que todos los hombres son creados iguales; que son dotados por su Creador de ciertos derechos inalienables; que entre à ©stos estn la vida, la libertad y la bà ºsqueda de la felicidad; que para garantizar estos derechos se instituyen entre los hombres los gobiernos, que derivan sus poderes legà ­timos del consentimiento de los gobernados; que cuando quiera que una forma de gobierno se haga destructora de estos principios, el pueblo tiene el derecho a reformarla o abolirla e instituir un nuevo gobierno que se funde en dichos principios, y a organizar sus poderes en la forma que a su juicio ofrecer las mayores probabilidades de alcanzar su seguridad y felicidad. La prudencia, claro est, aconsejar que no se cambie por motivos leves y transitorios gobiernos de antiguo establecidos; y, en efecto, toda la experiencia ha demostrado que la humanidad est ms dispuesta a padecer, mientras los males sean tolerables, que a hacerse ju sticia aboliendo las formas a que est acostumbrada. Pero cuando una larga serie de abusos y usurpaciones, dirigida invariablemente al mismo objetivo, demuestra el designio de someter al pueblo a un despotismo absoluto, es su derecho, es su deber, derrocar ese gobierno y establecer nuevos resguardos para su futura seguridad. Tal ha sido el paciente sufrimiento de estas colonias; tal es ahora la necesidad que las obliga a reformar su anterior sistema de gobierno La historia del actual Rey de la Gran Bretaà ±a es una historia de repetidos agravios y usurpaciones, encaminados todos directamente hacia el establecimiento de una tiranà ­a absoluta sobre estos estados. Para probar esto, sometemos los hechos al juicio de un mundo imparcial. El Rey se ha negado a aprobar las leyes ms favorables y necesarias para el bienestar pà ºblico. Ha prohibido a sus gobernadores sancionar leyes de importancia inmediata y apremiante, a menos que su ejecucià ³n se suspenda hasta obtener su asentimiento; y una vez suspendidas se ha negado por completo a prestarles atencià ³n. Se ha rehusado a aprobar otras leyes convenientes a grandes comarcas pobladas, a menos que esos pueblos renuncien al derecho de ser representados en la Legislatura; derecho que es inestimable para el pueblo y terrible sà ­, para los tiranos. Ha convocado a los cuerpos legislativos en sitios desusados, incà ³modos y distantes del asiento de sus documentos pà ºblicos, con la sola idea de fatigarlos para cumplir con sus medidas. En repetidas ocasiones ha disuelto las Cmaras de Representantes, por oponerse con firmeza viril a sus intromisiones en los derechos del pueblo. Durante mucho tiempo, y despuà ©s de esas disoluciones, se ha negado a permitir la eleccià ³n de otras Cmaras; por lo cual, los poderes legislativos, cuyo aniquilamiento es imposible, han retornado al pueblo, sin limitacià ³n para su ejercicio; permaneciendo el Estado, mientras tanto, expuesto a todos los peligros de una invasià ³n exterior y a convulsiones internas. Ha tratado de impedir que se pueblen estos Estados, dificultando, con ese propà ³sito, las Leyes de Naturalizacià ³n de Extranjeros; rehusando aprobar otras para fomentar su inmigracià ³n y elevando las condiciones para las Nuevas Adquisiciones de Tierras. Ha entorpecido la administracià ³n de justicia al no aprobar las leyes que establecen los poderes judiciales. Ha hecho que los jueces dependan solamente de su voluntad, para poder desempeà ±ar sus cargos y en cuanto a la cantidad y pago de sus emolumentos. Ha fundado una gran diversidad de oficinas nuevas, enviando a un enjambre de funcionarios que acosan a nuestro pueblo y menguan su sustento. En tiempos de paz, ha mantenido entre nosotros ejà ©rcitos permanentes, sin el consentimiento de nuestras legislaturas. Ha influido para que la autoridad militar sea independiente de la civil y superior a ella. Se ha asociado con otros para someternos a una jurisdiccià ³n extraà ±a a nuestra constitucià ³n y no reconocida por nuestras leyes; aprobando sus actos de pretendida legislacià ³n: Para acuartelar, entre nosotros, grandes cuerpos de tropas armadas. Para protegerlos, por medio de un juicio ficticio, del castigo por los asesinatos que pudiesen cometer entre los habitantes de estos Estados. Para suspender nuestro comercio con todas las partes del mundo. Para imponernos impuestos sin nuestro consentimiento. Para privarnos, en muchos casos, de los beneficios de un juicio por jurado. Para transportarnos ms all de los mares, con el fin de ser juzgados por supuestos agravios. Para abolir en una provincia vecina el libre sistema de las leyes inglesas, estableciendo en ella un gobierno arbitrario y extendiendo sus là ­mites, con el objeto de dar un ejemplo y disponer de un instrumento adecuado para introducir el mismo gobierno absoluto en estas Colonias. Para suprimir nuestras Cartas Constitutivas, abolir nuestras leyes ms valiosas y alterar en su esencia las formas de nuestros gobiernos. Para suspender nuestras propias legislaturas y declararse investido con facultades para legislarnos en todos los casos, cualesquiera que à ©stos sean. Ha abdicado de su gobierno en estos territorios al declarar que estamos fuera de su proteccià ³n y al emprender una guerra contra nosotros. Ha saqueado nuestros mares, asolado nuestras costas, incendiado nuestras ciudades y destruido la vida de nuestro pueblo. Al presente, est transportando grandes ejà ©rcitos de extranjeros mercenarios para completar la obra de muerte, desolacià ³n y tiranà ­a, ya iniciada en circunstancias de crueldad y perfidia que apenas si encuentran paralelo en las à ©pocas ms brbaras, y por completo indignas del Jefe de una Nacià ³n civilizada. Ha obligado a nuestros conciudadanos, aprehendidos en alta mar, a que tomen armas contra su paà ­s, convirtià ©ndolos asà ­ en los verdugos de sus amigos y hermanos, o a morir bajo sus manos. Ha provocado insurrecciones intestinas entre nosotros y se ha esforzado por lanzar sobre los habitantes de nuestras fronteras a los inmisericordes indios salvajes, cuya conocida disposicià ³n para la guerra se distingue por la destruccià ³n de vidas, sin considerar edades, sexos ni condiciones. En cada etapa de estas opresiones, hemos pedido justicia en los tà ©rminos ms humildes: a nuestras repetidas peticiones se ha contestado solamente con repetidos agravios. Un Prà ­ncipe, cuyo caracter est asà ­ seà ±alado con cada uno de los actos que pueden definir a un tirano, no es digno de ser el gobernante de un pueblo libre. Tampoco hemos dejado de dirigirnos a nuestros hermanos britnicos. Los hemos prevenido de tiempo en tiempo de las tentativas de su poder legislativo para englobarnos en una jurisdiccià ³n injustificable. Les hemos recordado las circunstancias de nuestra emigracià ³n y radicacià ³n aquà ­. Hemos apelado a su innato sentido de justicia y magnanimidad, y los hemos conjurado, por los và ­nculos de nuestro parentesco, a repudiar esas usurpaciones, las cuales interrumpirà ­an inevitablemente nuestras relaciones y correspondencia. Tambià ©n ellos han sido sordos a la voz de la justicia y de la consanguinidad. Debemos, pues, convenir en la necesidad, que establece nuestra separacià ³n y considerarlos, como consideramos a las dems colectividades humanas: enemigos en la guerra, en la paz, amigos. Por lo tanto, los Representantes de los Estados Unidos de Amà ©rica, convocados en Congreso General, apelando al Juez Supremo del mundo por la rectitud de nuestras intenciones, en nombre y por la autoridad del buen pueblo de estas Colonias, solemnemente hacemos pà ºblico y declaramos: Que estas Colonias Unidas son, y deben serlo por derecho, Estados Libres e Independientes; que quedan libres de toda lealtad a la Corona Britnica, y que toda vinculacià ³n polà ­tica entre ellas y el Estado de la Gran Bretaà ±a queda y debe quedar totalmente disuelta; y que, como Estados Libres o Independientes, tienen pleno poder para hacer la guerra, concertar la paz, concertar alianzas, establecer el comercio y efectuar los actos y providencias a que tienen derecho los Estados independientes. Y en apoyo de esta Declaracià ³n, con absoluta confianza en la proteccià ³n de la Divina Providencia, empeà ±amos nuestra vida, nuestra hacienda y nuestro sagrado honor.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Adolescent Sexual Activity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Adolescent Sexual Activity - Essay Example In his article â€Å"Risk Behaviors - Teen Pregnancy - Programs, Sex, Sexual, Contraception, Percent, and Services† (2011), Douglas Kirby identifies the following five factors as contributing to teen pregnancy by causing the sexually active teenagers to refrain from using contraception. He cites: â€Å"when teens have permissive attitudes toward premarital sex,† â€Å"lack confidence to avoid sex or to use contraception consistently,† â€Å" lack adequate knowledge about contraception,† â€Å"have negative attitudes toward contraception,† â€Å" are ambivalent about pregnancy and childbearing,† â€Å"...then they are more likely to engage in sex without contraception.† (Kirby, 2011) In analyzing these factors, they can be related to both situational sexual encounters as well as cognitive value systems in teens that engage in pre-marital sex. ‘Permissive attitudes’ is a cognitive or value system in the individuals involved that determine the development of the relationship through sexual encounters. These encounters are either the result of long-term, loving, and wholesome relationships or are casual, disposable, and part of the learning process through which sexual identity is formed in the process of adult maturation. Through the sexual experimentation with different types of relationships and partners, the person of either gender comes to a deeper understanding of their own personal needs in a relationship or in partner support. This assists in making more consequential and long-standing family commitments. The hyper-stimulation of the culture through sexual imagery in media, sexually predatory social role-playing and stereotypes, or advertising that fuels desire and insecurity simultaneously to sell products may condition a population to extreme behavior abruptly or progressively over time by changing moral standards and patterns of behavior. The teen pregnancy rate in the U.S. can be seen as an à ¢â‚¬Å"unwanted† aspect of the sexual activity that occurs at a young age and restricts the further social opportunities of the parent. The effect of the social stigmatization is expected to fall more severely on the girl who must bear the biological burden of pregnancy. If the relationship is loving and leads to marriage, even at an early age, it is accepted socially and the best is hoped for the long-term sustainability of the couple. Yet, realistically, the high divorce rate among young couples and the burdens of single parenthood are among the largest reasons teenage pregnancy is discouraged. Generally, teens are not recognized as mature socially to be effective parents, despite the fact that innumerable teenage mothers in the U.S. historically and around the world have done very well building families through teenage pregnancies. The development of modern, liberal conceptions of identity through feminism and progression in education has created a different role for modern women that discourage the traditional aspects of teen marriage and pregnancy practiced traditionally as â€Å"backward†.  Ã‚